<img src="/icons/warning_red.svg" alt="/icons/warning_red.svg" width="40px" /> We are in progress of moving over our plans to this area, expect poor documentation and minimal information until the migration is complete
Official Website
city of the future
What is Lumina
How Lumina will be funded
Supporting Lumina
Banking & Monetary system
Education System
Governance System
Taxation System
Settlement System
Requirements to start Lumina
Internet System
Luminar English
Culture of Lumina
Principles & Values
Frequently asked questions
<img src="/icons/info-alternate_purple.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Find common frequently asked questions here
Funding & Currency
- How are we funding this project?
- What currency will we use in Lumina?
- Will we use a cryptocurrency?
Jobs & Roles
- How do I become a citizen?
- How can I contribute to the project?
- What jobs or roles are available?
- What qualifications are needed?
- How do I join the government?
Economy & Tax
- Will there be taxes?
- How will the banking system work?